Black OPS Show Services


Dennis Taylor has been in the trade show industry for over 25 years to date, and had figured it was time for more black representation. In an industry that he loves, Dennis and his youngest son Gabriel decided to make some black history, and started a black owned and operated installation and dismantle company. 

“We had experienced a lot of racism in the industry, and sought out to make a change. Thus, Black OPS Show Services LLC was created to level the playing field for people of color (particularly black people) in the trade show industry. We never really saw any black people in the high level management positions and if so, the numbers were very few and far between. Our ancestors and the next generation are our motivation, inspiration, and strength.”

Our History

This all started when Dennis Taylor had the idea in 2010 at the NACCS Show in Atlanta, GA to start a black owned and operated installation and dismantle company. After being looked over for management positions and studying the trade show industry for years, the vision became a reality in November 2017 and (B.O.S.S.) Black OPS Show Services was born.

Our Vision

Our vision is to overcome racism and increase representation of black and brown people in the trade show industry. We aim to change the landscape so that people who look like us can have a large slice of the pie and not be relegated to just the crumbs. We are building a legacy for future generations of our people.

Our HQ

Our home base is in Las Vegas, Nevada. The #1 trade show capital in the world.

Mission Objective

At Black OPS Show Services, our goal is to level the playing field for black and brown people in the convention & trade show industry. It’s long overdue! We are here to bring more black and brown representation in this multi-trillion dollar industry. That’s why Black OPS Show Services is here, to provide high quality service to our clients at a competitive fair price.

As our motto states… “We Stay Ready”

At Black OPS Show Services, we pride ourselves on quality, expertise, and professionalism. We’re here to serve YOU!